OpenParsec brought back to life
Ever hear of Parsec? probably not, it was a hopeful Internet space shooter back in 1999-2001. The team developing it released a running demo version and 2 LAN builds and…
Ever hear of Parsec? probably not, it was a hopeful Internet space shooter back in 1999-2001. The team developing it released a running demo version and 2 LAN builds and…
In 2669 the TCS Concordia is ambushed by the Kilrathi and disabled. The hulk of the ship crashes on Vespus. Costa Concordia, run aground in 2012
So I was playing with the boys and I don’t know what the heck these weird block things they have are but before I knew it I had built a…
Today I purchased the second of 3 planned locomotives to run on my layout. The first being last April when I bought my DCC system was a Chessie GP40. As…
I finally got all the switches on my layout wired. It took about 10min per switch and there are 9 on the layout over the course of a couple weeks…