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Escape from Doomsday 1.4.6

December 20, 2011

Doomsday is continuing on with its longest run of player activity EVER with a brand new round and update!

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed error with non formation attacking that could cause a division by 0 error
  • Adjusted Asteroid will impact i X days message by 1 day to account for 0 days issue
  • Fixed a newplayer error where the id value was blank

Gameplay changes:

  • Airstrikes and spy/recon spies being caught will now add to the anti bully retaliation table if the player is significantly smaller
  • Added colonist game variable to allow setting a minimum amount of farmers to become colonists to launch with the shuttle
  • Added research item to give shuttle a 25% chance to miss a missile that is going to hit
  • E-mail notification on endgame() to players who have notification set up

Left field

December 13, 2011

This ones a little far fetched, but for 10 years now I always felt the Windows XP default background looked familiar and it appears the answer has been found.










Mind. Blown.

Back to 1:87

December 7, 2011

It’s been some time since my last model railroad update but the quest is not over yet, far from it. I had spent the summer at my summer home and some house issues since returning had prevented me from resuming my hobby.

I decided to final try out wiring one of my several switches to work out any kinks I may run into along the way so that I can plan and quickly implement the other switches to some sort of standard implementation.

Initially I was going to have the wires come up under the switch but that proved impossible to maintain a connection or to screw down the wires. What I ended up doing was coming up slightly behind the switch motor and covering it with black electrical tape to cover up the existence of the wiring.

Once all the switches are done I will look into some type of gravel or bush modelling to cover up the motor all together. I had considered under the table motors but this is m first return to modelling in 15 years so I decided it would be ok if I wasn’t entirely discreet this time around.

The switch motor worked perfectly but I have now run out of wire so the rest of the motors will have to wait. I then decided to final nail down the inner main and the branch line as they were still not securely fastened to the table. This took some time as I had to make sure the tracks remained properly aligned to avoid an annoying mismatch once I got to the last piece. After had finished a large section of track I would run a loco with a car on each end of it backwards and forwards over the action to test power and look for derailments.

Over the sumer my grey cat had decided the train was a sleeping area and turned several sections of green to a hairy sort of grey so I cleared all buildings and train equipment off the track and vacuumed the layout. I used a brush attachment for the extremely hairy areas. I also took the time to clean up the area behind the layout which was a mess of switch motors,wires, spare tracks and tools into a much more organized area.

I got a lot of good work done today and there will be more to follow in the coming months!

Doomsday 1.4.5

December 2, 2011

A new round and new version of Doomsday has started! Congrats to FiReMaGe who after dying mid game came back in another 110HK to win the game!

Gameplay Changes:

  • Formation command: Players can now set the order of which units attack in battle, this should increase the value of manufactured units late in the game
  • Air strike changes: If you have multiple bombers they will each (upto a max of 5) launch a bombing run against the enemy. This should make bombing more valuable than just for bombing the shuttle factory.
  • Increased Coffee, 40 hour work week, urban planning research time as they are end game items and were being achieved too early


  • Fixed session issue where the in game source data would be terminated after 10min of inactivity instead of the proper 60
  • Fixed issues with Sessions and death
  • Fixed issue with e-mail communication causing game shut down
  • Fixed issue with duplicating statistics tables from players using non web clients to return to the game
  • Website improvements to better handle when the game server is not available
  • Game configuration output to log with variable names on game init
  • If an asteroid round is active game initialization checks for the asteroid and adds one if not present
  • Added ai_count to Game options for the amount of NPC that should be in game
  • Added a check to game initialization, if no AI are present add ai_count to game
  • Added read item to session_log table. When you hit clear log on the Website it will only clear items you have seen to reduce the chance of missed information
  • Added session log clean up to end game to curb session log build up over the last 3 months, cleans read logs of active users and all old logs of inactive
  • Moved the game variable set up and initialization into dd_game_setup() so that it can be executed during start up or after endgame() to allow the game rounds to transition seamlessly with no administrative intervention required

Play Doomsday!

IRC @ #Doomsday