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What the hell happened to Garfield

May 5, 2010

I have a Garfield calender on my desk cause I like Garfield however I have an issue with newer Garfield.

It is 90% about Jon not being able to date

What happened? Garfield used to be about hating Monday, Sending Nermal away, Punting Odie, Watching TV, Smoking, Drinking Coffee, Pranks, Lazyness, Eating, Fighting neighborhood dogs, Getting stuck in trees, Ferns, Scratching furniture…

Over 30 years of Garfield maybe that is all they can come up with now. If that is all that is left maybe Garfield should retire.

Adobe and Apple: The greatest pissing contest of all time

April 30, 2010

If you listen to Adobe then half of the internet runs on flash and you are crippled without it,

If you listen to Apple then all the important websites offer a flash alternative

I’m really tired of hearing about it.

Adobe: I have a blackberry which has a pretty shitty browser and I get around just fine without any fancy plugins. Oh..and Youtube works just fine.
Apple: I have a blackberry and not an iPhone and it renders pages rather decently without being in any bandwidth heavy data plans.

My two cents:
Flash is a CPU chewing piece of shit
Apple is a controlling son of a bitch

That is all.

April 1st: The worst day on the internet

April 1, 2010

Anyone remember when April fools day used to be about subtly fooling someone and getting a good laugh?

I sure as fuck don’t because I’m being bombarded by an internet full of obvious crap!!

Every web admin on the planet all of a sudden thinks they are hillllarriious (you are not) and replaces their once almost useful knowledge with the most random and unusual junk thinking they are king shit of April (once again you are not)

Now, not everyone out there is a piece of shit, some places are being clever and a few times I have had to look at the date of the article and go “Ah you sneaky little shit, you got me” but that is pretty rare these days and the sea of terrible and obvious is just getting deeper every year.

Is it April 2nd yet so the internet can move on?

Hey! It’s NOT Steak!

March 29, 2010

Every fast food joint these days has some burger they are calling a steak burger and I must say, that’s bull shit. At the very best they have a higher grade hamburger and not a steak burger as they claim.

Here is what a hamburger is:

  • They take the extra parts of a cow and grind it up and put it a package
  • Someone else or some machine forms it into patty shape
  • Some punk kid cooks it up
  • you eat it

Here is what a “Steak” burger is:

  • They take a specific part of a cow, but probably a shitty cow that wasn’t good enough for your BBQ and grind that part up and put it in a package
  • Someone else or some machine form it into patty shape but a slightly bigger one cause it’s apparently a fuckin steak!
  • Some punk kid cooks it up for you and another one charges you $3 extra cause it’s apparently fuckin steak!
  • You eat it cause you have to now.

So, one step gets slightly modified but really it is still a hamburger to me just one that costs to damn much!

If I ordered a steak burger I’d expect someone to ask me how I’d like it done and then I would expect a piece of an NY strip between two buns not an over priced hamburger.

Here is what is great about steak:

  • They’re huge!
  • They’re juicy!
  • They can bleed a bit when you eat it and not kill you!
  • They usually come with great things like corn or beer!
  • The dog can chew on the remains so it is a multi purpose purchase!

Here are the shitty things about a steak burger:

  • Eat one that’s pink or slightly bloody, I dare you and then talk to me in a week and let me know how you feel.
  • Cooked to health standards they’re shit and dry
  • Being thicker than regular burgers just magnifies the dryness
  • They usually come with “fries” and “Ice water cola”
  • They are cooked by some punk kid that hates you
  • They cost about half as much as a steak but in reality it would be way more enjoyable to pony up the extra 5 bucks and eat a real steak!

Steak season is upon us people so don’t waste your time on these wannabe steak burgers and fire up the grill.

Why pay more?

March 21, 2010

This has been popping up more often these days in advertising campaigns and I find it irritating because the companies touting this are always shit and their product or service is shit and they are just trying to bait you.

Why Pay more? Well lets see….

  • Better service
  • Better product
  • Better staff
  • Better quality
  • Better satisfaction

So take the money your company invested in that poor advertisement and get a clue.