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Posts Tagged ‘Parsec’

Tag: Parsec

Changes: Got homing missiles functioning correctly server side Fixed an issue client side to allow homing missiles to properly animate towards their targets Created a new RE_CREATEMINE event client side to handle mines since the EXTRA event is not allowed from clients Created handler server side for the RE_CREATEMINE Fixed bug where the mines detonated […]

Tag: Parsec

Changes: Tidied up the menus to a single 4 menu screen Removed Demo/p2p listing in side list, replaced with net.server syntax Mac client now uses pre packaged libs for ease of use Server now properly handles dumb fire missiles Client can now handle Remote events from server for the dumb fire missiles Server side collision […]

Tag: Parsec

Ever hear of Parsec? probably not, it was a hopeful Internet space shooter back in 1999-2001. The team developing it released a running demo version and 2 LAN builds and that’s all the public ever really saw. In 2003 they released the source code! Then nothing happened. A couple times 1 or 2 people (myself […]