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Posts Tagged ‘Railroad’

Tag: Railroad

I haven’t posted a train update on the blog in a bit so I figured I would give a quick summary N Scale I sort of stalled here for a bit but I have returned to it. Finished laying roadbed on the board and I have track held in place with nails currently until I […]

Tag: Railroad

So I was checking out a new hobby shop in Beamsville Just Train Crazy and first impressions being everything I of course came across some Chessie gear. The only problem is that it was in N scale and other than some old gear that was given to me I don’t model N The items were […]

Tag: Railroad

So I have been visiting a model railroading club the last several weeks and it has been a lot of fun, you need to do 8 meetings, 2 of them business related before you can become a member to the club officially. Once a member you then start paying membership and you are required to donate […]

Tag: Railroad

It’s been some time since my last model railroad update but the quest is not over yet, far from it. I had spent the summer at my summer home and some house issues since returning had prevented me from resuming my hobby. I decided to final try out wiring one of my several switches to […]

Tag: Railroad

Late Friday night after Sue and the babies had gone to sleep I installed the junction to my train layout. This completes all track additions and future additions will be in the area of buildings, scenery, rolling stock and 2 more dcc locomotives. This junction has several spurs which will eventually have buildings next to […]