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Posts Tagged ‘Opinion’

Tag: Opinion

As I was driving through Hamilton 2 weekends ago with a friend of mine all along King st were these signs that said [<- Mountain Access]. I look to the left and there is the escarpment but no mountain! For some reason people from Hamilton Ontario are under the mistaken impression that they have a […]

Tag: Opinion

I have government health care. It isn’t perfect, waiting in emerg sucks but it is better than the alternative. It’s interesting how a country can stand apart and allow its population to suffer and still try to claim to be the greatest nation on Earth. Give us your tired, your poor, just make sure the […]

Tag: Opinion

There is a problem here. I understand the need to have a group that manages the computer systems and ensures updates are applied but… Have you ever noticed that they tend to get out of hand and instead of focusing on building a good solid infrastructure in the workplace they waste their time…. Monitoring you […]

Tag: Opinion

I love open source software, I really do. It has provided us with so many powerful tools to do any number of tasks but…there is one cloud on this sunny day and it’s a big one. Developers! Here is generally how it works: Software gets developed to accomplish something better or for the first time […]

Tag: Opinion

So I have been working on converting Philtopia to WordPress for a couple days now and it required a couple modules of course. execPHP so I could include Doomsday into the site and I was looking for a forum or message board plugin. I found one yesterday called WP-Forum, it’s kinda old as the last […]