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Posts Tagged ‘Raspberry Pi’

Tag: Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi makes a great gaming choice for those who are interested in classic gaming such as Emulation or even some older FPS action such as Quake 1,2 or 3. However, there are a few tweaks and caveats one should be aware of with the Pi before diving in. SDL 1.2 vs SDL2 SDL […]

Tag: Raspberry Pi

It doesn’t work! Or does it… Anyways as usual in my quest for using my Arcade controls to do just about everything I ran into a snag with OpenParsec yesterday…. Turns out it wasn’t accepting my arcade controls. In a convenient sort of way the main retrogame git had a user pop in complaining of […]

Tag: Raspberry Pi

I know there hasn’t been an OpenParsec update in some time so I decided to make it a good one. Over the last couple months I have made it my business to see how far the Pi can be stretched as far as gaming goes. I have a full blown arcade emulator with GPIO arcade […]

Tag: Raspberry Pi

On my never ending quest for as much gaming as possible on my little Raspberry Pi I was remembering a time where the laws of physics were mostly irrelevant and the frags were plentiful. Quake The original quake, no bloody 2, no bloody 3 and no bloody 4! Just pure fast paced carnage. So I […]

Tag: Raspberry Pi

Ever play Super Mario War? If you haven’t it is essentially Super Mario death match in the setting of SMB1,2,3 and Mario World graphics. It’s you and 3 other marios trying to stomp, hammer, shell, b-bomb each other to death until you have no lives left. There are other game modes like chicken, ctf and […]