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Posts Tagged ‘Thoughts’

Tag: Thoughts

As I was driving through Hamilton 2 weekends ago with a friend of mine all along King st were these signs that said [<- Mountain Access]. I look to the left and there is the escarpment but no mountain! For some reason people from Hamilton Ontario are under the mistaken impression that they have a […]

Tag: Thoughts

Hello once again, so to increase my exposure I let Facebook import my blog and add it to my notes section and this is working out very well. My visits to the site have been on the rise since I refreshed Philtopia last month and I tend to get lots of comments. But we have […]

Tag: Thoughts

Into the future…. Ok seriously though, every notice that during the work week Monday Tuesday go by lightning fast, Wednesday crawls because you have the “Oh man it’s only Wednesday” thought and Thursday flies by again but Friday itself seems to take weeks and weeks to go by. Time just does not feel constant. A […]