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Posts Tagged ‘Review’

Tag: Review

So it was my birthday last Tuesday and Susan threw me a party, the first I had had in about 9 years! Thanks Suebabe! I’m Gettin’ old. Had a few people down to the ol trailer park for a bbq and beers to celebrate the times. Chips, burgers, beer the usual stuff and then comes […]

Tag: Review

So Susan had this idea to buy some new fancy triscuits the other day when we were grocery shopping a few days ago. I was hesitant, so hard to break out of the norm which is a lifetime of super salty awesome triscuits which I have come to love. So we bought them anyways and the […]

Tag: Review

As my previous post obviously states I have recently installed the WPtouch plugin which does the job of creating an iPhone like theme for iPhone/iPod touch/Pre/Storm’s. Anyways I am posting about it again now as after about a week of using it from my iPod touch and from managing it it from the Macbook I […]

Tag: Review

I just installed Snow Leopard onto my machine and I must say it is pretty freakin sweet. Sure it doesn’t have zilions of new ways to do things like the upgrade from Tiger to Leopard but the little things it improves upon are fantastic. Time machine Remember that preparing thing that took for damn ever? […]

Tag: Review

I downloaded this app tonight and have been playing with it for a couple hours now. So far I am pleased with it The good: -Viewing,editing, creating, tagging posts -handles comments -uploads photos -categories -link detection The could be better: -formatting, I don’t want to type out html on my pearl -trying to view a […]