I was listening to AM640 last night for their pre game interviews and Andy Frost kept saying crap like what would it take for Leafs nation to warm up to Phil Kessel and I couldn’t help but wonder….

Why the fuck aren’t they warmed up already?!

  • is 30+ goals a season shitty all of a sudden?
  • is the 20 points he has gained this season already not good enough?

I don’t want to hear crap about draft picks or “streaky”. Brian Burke’s bad decision 2 years ago has nothing to do with the player himself and it is still turning out to have been a good choice anyways.

Streaky is bullshit cause who the fuck cares, 30+ goals a season for 3 years is still 30+ goals a fucking season for 3 years.

So back to my question, is Leafs nation nuts or is the media just being an idiot and spreading crap. If Kessel keeps playing the way he has all October he is about to obliterate the crap out of any naysayers opinions so I want to hear your thoughts now before you jump on the bandwagon later on. Personally for me, Kessel has been my #1 Leaf since his Leaf debut 2 seasons ago.

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